From Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale

People disappear when they die. Their voices, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living mempry of them ceases. This is both dreadful and natural. Yet for some there is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continut to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humour, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like flies in amber, like corpses frozen in ice, that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.

--Diane Setterfield

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I 'memembered!!

James said he'd take a peek at my blog... I hope I can get home and upload the colors I picked out for his house today.

I went to Sherwin Williams which is accross the street and the guy there gave me a color book thing. Cool. I hoep I can scan it alright. He also said that generic stores like Walmart have more selection on types of paint. Like Metalic and textured and stuff. Hmm. I went to WalMart, but I was un impressed, however they did have ultra reflective aluminum paint. Cool. Perhaps we could mix in a bit of color and get just what I want... Next on the list of paint departments is Home Deopt.

I 'membered that great idea I had the other Sunday.

Background: Janika and I were talking and she was telling me that when she was in Young Women's, she had a really hard time with personal progress because, correct me if I'm wrong, her effort was not grand enough. For instance if Mom said she could check off reading scritures because they read them as a family (or whatever, now I'm into my own spieal, thanks Janika!) she would not check it off because she felt she needed to do MORE.

I catch myself doing this a LOT! I get so busy with all the hundreds of millions of things to do and the tons of ways to do them more right than last time, that I forget that family scripture study meets the requirements for reading in your scriptures everyday.

I also had a hard time checking off the goals, for the same reason. And unfortunately I got them 'done' when I didn't care so much. Backwards, huh? When I felt like I was slacking off ("meh, I read SOMETHING in the scriptures everyday this week... I'll check it off 'cause I TECHNICALLY did it even if I didn't do it to my standards")I passed off more goals. When I put energy into it and applied my standards, I was good for a day or two and then ineviably I'd 'drop the ball', and be back to technicallities. And since I knew I COULD do it and I felt I SHOULD do it 'my' way I did not want to accept less than my best.

Who does, right?

But, (and this is the lesson)I never remembered to look at myself from a higher perspective. I was doing good things. I was doing all the things I was asked to do. Sometimes I was even doing them super well! But the point is just because I was not constantly preforming at my level of expectation, does not mean I was not preforming / doing well in the sight of God.

We're about to leave so I'll finish this later.


Janika said...

Even though I didn't get my Young Womanhood recognition I give myself credit for how hard I worked and how good I was. I am just lousy at setting and completing goals in the traditional write-it-down way. I have also found that if I tell anybody about a great idea I have, I am sure to do nothing with it. Secrets and surprises are the key to my success. I clean the house best when I want to surprise or shock my husband when he comes home. When he leaves on a trip, I want him to come home and be impressed with what I did while he was gone. I would never tell him what I was planning to do before he leaves, or it won't get done.

Janika said...

That way, if it doesn't get done, I lose nothing, and don't have to explain why I didn't "succeed."

Yamaha Drummer said...

OK, I have stopped laughin hysterically and now must make Janika watch Dodgeball... just to see where that line fits in. I find that organization and motivation are the keys to getting things donw. And if I don't tell anyone about it, then it will never happen.