So I muddled through 20 minutes of beating together sugar and butter and dough that was way sticky. Today I pulled out the chilled dough and we came up with these:
Dea helped me frost most of them.
When we got home and put her to bed***, I decided enough is enough and I had Scott take a whack at my hair****.
I gave him a trim in return. We'll have to get pictures with our new hair stlyes sometime. If we ever get around to it.
*We dropped bread crumbs on the floor at her feet, like any good parents do to children who are pigeons... Oh, wait, we have a human baby. Maybe that is why she started fussing.
**They were all cooked in the crock pot and very mushy, so she was able to take whole chunks of veggies and shove them in her pie hole~~.
~~ She also shoved her entire binki (minus the handle) into her mouth during church. I didn't get a picture because of the setting, but I have been eagerly awaiting the nest binki shove+.
+She will often put her binki in interesting positions. Usually they involve her cheeks being propped up into a smile.