From Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale

People disappear when they die. Their voices, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living mempry of them ceases. This is both dreadful and natural. Yet for some there is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continut to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humour, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like flies in amber, like corpses frozen in ice, that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.

--Diane Setterfield

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I need to update my blog more often....

"Currently I am watching my husband and his friend play a stupid game. I hate them both. Of course I am just paraphrasing."


Thanks Mike, for reminding me to update and giving me such a sweet entry!

Things are crazy busy. I am working at Lennar as the Regional Executive Admin and backup personal assistant to the Executive VP.

I have most of my filing set up and I am feeling a little more settled. I did have a partial melt down as I was talking to Jamies the other day. He said something interesting. I was all 'blah blah blah, whaa whaa whaa' and he said 'Arren, we had this same conversation when you started at UAMC. You were overwhelmed and didn't know what your job desciption was and how well you'd do at it.'

Now, I totally don't remember that conversation, but I trust James and I was so comforted that I felt the same way about UAMC, and when I left I was nearly indespensable... nearly, because they would have had to right-size me if I had not gotten the promotion. But everyone was sad that I was leaving and they love to hear how much I miss working with them and how much cooler they are.

So now when I am stressed I find comfort that it is just part of the learning curve of any new job.
In other news, Mom called the other day to wish me a happy Valentine's and proceeded to tell me how hurt she was about our behavior in Hawaii, and everyone thinks we hate them nor are they interested in having us at other family functions. OUCH!

We were rather selfish vacationers, we went out and did our own thing and made sure that we had fun while we were there. Our style was not to glue ourselves at the hip to the group which had a hard time working with everyone because the ages ranged from 3 - 80's. And Scott was defensive about Mom controlling our activities. My cousin even mentioned Mom's attitude, but evidently that is okay for a parent to be controlling, because none of the other parents had a problem with it and DID have a problem with our not dealing with it.

I wrote them an apology. I truely did have an awesome time. It was perfect.

Mom responded to my e-mail and said she had forgotten that we were mourning family members on the Quigley side. Megan died less than a month before we went out, and in fact Scott came straight from the funeral to Hawaii. So, yeah, he was a little distressed and not the best and most gracious guest. I was mourning Megan and James leaving. And the boys. And Jen. I have officially no family around now. And it sucks!

Well I hope that is a good enough post, Mike. I'm still a little raw from talking with my Mom, although I don't think I allowed myself to feel guilted. Just hurt.


Yamaha Drummer said...

Since I coherced you into writing that post, I guess I'll throw a comment your way.

I'm sorry your Mom gave you the guilt trip. I think parents have a hard time remembering that we grow up and start to do our own things. I'm not a fan of family reunions for that reason.

Also, my whole family (parents and siblings) moved out of the state the same year Janika and I got married. So I understand feeling very lonely and seperated. That's why you come hang out with us!

Yamaha Drummer said...

I've decided that you'd probably update your blog if you got more response. So I am going to take it apon myself to flog Scott until he checks your blog daily... Ok I probably won't, but I'll stop by from time to time and post comments instead.

Janika said...

We had a family reunion last summer and went to an amusement park, all bazillion of us, and the first 3/4 of the day we tried to coordinate with each other and mesh as a group. Then I realized we were wasting a lot of time and not getting to the rides my kids were interested in. I took off with all 6 of my kids (an undertaking of its own) and we rushed through everything and got a lot more rides in. Mom met me at the gate at closing, with a very perturbed look on her face (because I also refused to carry my phone around the park to avoid risk of water damage and loss). Everyone else had left an hour earlier. There is no way to win with competing family interests.
My first comment post on your blog is a novel ;)