From Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale

People disappear when they die. Their voices, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living mempry of them ceases. This is both dreadful and natural. Yet for some there is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continut to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humour, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like flies in amber, like corpses frozen in ice, that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.

--Diane Setterfield

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Today was Jaedyn's half-Birthday party. We went to a park near by and set up in she shade. It's been hot in Washington. Today was supposed to be 100 degrees at party time. It was less humid than yesterday and we had a nice breeze so it did not feel too bad. In the shade, with a bottle of water. It was really low key and easy. Scott and I figure that we will reserve our big parties for when she will remember them. A cake with minimal frosting and candles in the shape of a J, water in bottles and streamers completed the decorative festivities. Oh, we did pull out some party hats for everyone when we gathered for food.
We had fun and our wonderful guests even brought us presents!! We were not expecting anything, it was so nice of them.
Sariah and Gwyneth and Eric brought a Hello Kitty sippy cup thermos. I've been wanting to, among many other things, teach Jaedy to drink from a straw. This thermos has a straw and should be great. Karen Farrar brought a booster seat chair. Now we can give Natalie and baby Claire back the bumbo. I'm sure Jaedy will be thrilled to have a tray to slap her hands on... or color on... or whatever. AND our presents were red. Aside from Scott's theory that red is the BEST color, we are trying to keep Jaedyn's stuff keeping with her lady-bug theme.(ie lots of reds and greens). So without even trying, they were the perfect gifts!!



Jaedy and Uncle James playing in the grass. They blew raspberries at each other.

The party crew.

Jaedyn spots a cake!

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Monday, July 27, 2009

I purchased these Bergismanias from the local community college at the beginning of the summer. They were flowering and have come around for a second flowering this season. They smell wonderful, I wish I could capture the smell on camera. One day though, right?




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The flowers ares o heavy on one branch that they have made it bow down. Scott was noticing how they have opened more and are even more beautiful than when I took pictures the other day. So I ran outside and took pictures of them at night. I think they look stunning.



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Well you have to go to my picasa site to see them... but there are some pictures out there.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Ugh. So I have some severe critiques.
I need to remember stage presence.
I don't have a spot light to blame for the deer in the headlights look...
Smile, remember how?
And wow I was flat for a good chunk of the performance.
But here is the video... it was taken of our rehearsal before the meeting. The actual song was worse!!!
I'm disappointed with my performance, but glad I did it. I'm also glad I got a video so I could see what I looked like. And sounded like. I have been battling sinus pressure and drainage all week so I could only barely hear myself sing. I'd like to think that if I could hear, I would not have been so flat. But really it probably would have been just as bad.
Well Grandpa. I've started singing again. I hear that the music lady at church is always looking for people who can sing to do musical numbers and that I will likely be getting a call to do so again. I kinda hope so. I can't improve without trying again.

well it's been 12 hours and the video has not loaded. If you are interested click here to view.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Fish Ladder

We went to the Locks yesterday. There is a beautiful botanical garden, a private residence for ... someone important... something like the head of the army corp of engineers... and the locks between Lake Washington and the Puget Sound. The guy who built the locks also built a fish ladder for the salmon who come this way each year.
I heard at a Relief Society activity that this is the time of year to see them jumping up stream.
We had a wonderful time. It was a bright sunshiny day. We all got a little sun burn. Their were not so many fish as I had imagined there would be. But we got some cool pictures.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Goings on

So I have been having much thoughts lately. Unfortunately for the internet, they have been going into my journal, lest someone be offended by them. It's interesting to watch the correlation of handwriting to typing proficiency. My handwriting has improved to a level I find acceptable. My typing skills have dwindled.

I do need input. I'm singing a song in church next week and I'm thinking of having Scott video-record it so I can post it and share my skillz... or lack thereof with the world. The thing is... the girlI'm singing a duet with is like... um ... exactly like Megan. Megan died 2.5 years ago and it's still hard on certain family members... I don't know if it would be callous to post this duet. It will look and sound pretty much exactly like I'm singing with her.

PLEASE send me your comments.