From Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale

People disappear when they die. Their voices, their laughter, the warmth of their breath. Their flesh. Eventually their bones. All living mempry of them ceases. This is both dreadful and natural. Yet for some there is an exception to this annihilation. For in the books they write they continut to exist. We can rediscover them. Their humour, their tone of voice, their moods. Through the written word they can anger you or make you happy. They can comfort you. They can perplex you. They can alter you. All this, even though they are dead. Like flies in amber, like corpses frozen in ice, that which according to the laws of nature should pass away is, by the miracle of ink on paper, preserved. It is a kind of magic.

--Diane Setterfield

Thursday, August 16, 2007

does everyone's oney dissappear like mine does?

I mean seriously.

I make ...*calculates* just over 1,100 a month. So that's almost 14,000 a year.

Not a ton of money... but we stay in the lower tax bracket!
I pay all the bills and finance insurance and should have a hundred left over at the end of the month... so why can't we buy groceries!?!?

Why when I have a second job JUST so I can get myself new clothes can I still not get groceries... I'm not using it on clothes I'll tell you that!

Where is it going to?

And why the heck is Scott not going out there every day to help out our financial bind?? That's why he is not is school right now, so he can make enough money to buffer us against any calamity happening. And so we can afford food. and gas. and perhaps a treat every now and again. I have a huge wish list at the Loft...

On another note...

I really like my job. I don't want to stop working there any time soon... but the pull to have a LIFE with a family and kids and all that is getting to me.

Curse the weaknesses in me that allow these thoughts to take over.
Bad devil.


On a third note, I really don't understand the public aversion to discussing how much money you bring in. I'm not afraid to let everyone know. 14.5 and 8.65 an hour.

Maybe I could use some help managing the money... but I don't have many variables to manage... bills and more bills take up all but about a hundred every month.

all well.


Michelle said...

Hey Arren! I TOTALLY know what you're talking about. You look at the numbers and you're like, What the heck? I work hard and what do I have to show for it!? Yep yep. So my mom told me about this financial guy on the radio, Dave Ramsey. He's AWESOME!! He also has a book that I LOVED and I got it from the library. He has a few, but I recommend "Financial Peace." It really helps you realize where your money is going and how to get control of it. So you can buy yourself some new clothing every once in a while! It's helped us A TON! Good luck though! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you! Oh, to find a radio station in your area that carries his show, go to

Unknown said...

I will check this guy out.
You are awesome!!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

HUGS. Money sucks. We pretty much hate it. And as my wise brother in law says... what does it matter? It's just paper anyway. :)